Proud AFPA member Siwin Foods speaks to the growth they have felt from building a new facility and hiring quality-minded people, both a result of support from Growing Forward 2 (GF2) program funding. Success includes Siwin’s dumplings being picked up nationally by Costco...
By Derryl Kostynuik CGD, President and proud AFPA member Pencilworks Studios Ltd     You have a great product, but you wonder if the packaging of your product is clearly telling your customer how good it is. Is your package really doing the job at selling what’s inside? The j...
Who knew that you could make miso soup from spent grains used in beer brewing? Or make an award-winning macaroon from hemp? The growing Culinary Research & Innovation (CRI) team at Red River College is doing some fascinating work in the prairies. Established in March 2016 through an NSERC Inn...
A new government publication aims to increase trade opportunities in Europe.  "Agri-Food Exporters Guide to CETA" provides information on the European tariff reduction schedule and negotiated rules of origins to qualify for tariff reductions for producing of goods destined to t...
Alberta Food Processors Association members save $400! The Conference Board's Centre for Food in Canada (CFIC) invites you to join us at the 6th annual Canadian Food & Drink Summit 2017, themed: Measuring Performance, Taking Stock, Inspiring Action. This two-day event...
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