The Government of Canada has proposed tax changes for private corporations. On July 18, 2017, the Minister of Finance released proposals for Improving Fairness in the Tax System. The changes announced were intended to target the wealthiest of Canadians by addressing three areas of tax planning ...
How does this affect Food Processors?  On November 1, 2017 the City of Calgary Waste and Recycling Bylaw will require all businesses and organizations to separate specific food and yard waste materials for diversion. The bylaw applies to all businesses and organizations, including prope...
The Honourable Oneil Carlier, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, participated in a working lunch with members at the AFPA office in Calgary recently. He was in town as a guest of AFPA President Marilynn Boehm who escorted him on a tour of several food and beverage processing facilities. Minister ...
AWES, with AFPA, is offering 'free' newcomer success training opportunities at no-cost and is flexible to fit into any shift and production schedule. Take advantage and schedule your training any time between September 2017 and March 2018. See more information on the program in our f...
AFPA's fall workplace health & safety courses dates have been released.  Visit our course pages for more informaiton of register now!  ...
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