Through this survey, AFPA and Prairies Economic Development Canada (PrairiesCan) are looking to better understand the economic impact and challenges you and other co-packers may experience to fill gaps and improve growth in the co-packing/manufacturing of food, natural health, and personal care...
February 16, 2022 - Latest  EBLAST...
An updated Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHS Act) and revised regulations take effect on Dec. 1, 2021. For employers, the updated OHS laws continue to help them ensure their workplaces are as healthy and safe as possible. For workers, the updated OHS laws continue to provide fundamental rights...
Looking to meet SFCR requirements but don’t know where to start? Confused about what these requirements mean for you? AFPA’s templates/manual provides the backbones of your food safety program. Just fill in the blanks to customize program to suit your own facility. Template ...
Nov '21 LAUNCH! Access premium industry specific training on demand, connect with our online safety community, download free training templates and plant signage, and shop our members only products and services. Made for Industry by Industry at www.afpaondemand.com take a peak....
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